Age : 30 Years
Occupation : Working as the CEO of our Firm, INDIANA OPHTHALMICS, which was started by my Grandfather, further developed by my father and now I am looking forward to keep the development graph upwards. It’s an internationally certified company with WHO-GMP approval.
About Me : I was born and brought up in a small town of Gujarat known as Surendranagar. Pharmacist by profession but naturalist by heart, I completed my Degree in Pharmacy from University of Pune.
From a very young age I was always fascinated by wildlife!! I regularly used to watch the wildlife programmes which used to come on DD once in a week. My interest was further enhanced by my uncle who brought me close to the common birds found in and around my area, and taught me the basics of identification of birds. This happened when I was in 9th Standard. Since then, birds became an integral part of my life. It’s been almost 15 years now. As initially I was basically into birding, I was not very keen in photography. I have studied the behaviour and identification of birds found in different parts of the country from down south in Kerela, to the Northern Himalayan states like Uttarancnchal, Himachal Pradesh and the North-East Himalayas in Arunachal Pradesh. One of my most favourite places amongst them is the Little Rann of Kutch where I spend most of my time during the winters.
I had to wait for my camera till I was 21 yrs old and there after I have tried to capture their beauty and show to the world about their importance in the natural world. I’m into wildlife photography since last 8 years and I’m still learning it to be better day by day as I believe that it’s a never ending process. My only aim of doing wildlife photography (besides personal satisfaction) is to promote the goodness of CONSERVATION in whatever small way that is possible.
I have to thank my father for encouraging me in for this noble cause and approving all my demands including the sponsorship of the cameras which are nothing less than worth 10 Lac Rupees. Also my special thanks to my wife, Riddhi & my family for their co-operation in allowing me to disappear in to wild places very often and to enjoy what I like doing the most. I hope that you enjoyed watching the photographs of God’s creations in their natural beauty as I did.
Contributions :
My pictures have been showcased in some of the leading Wildlife and Photography Magazines like Indian Birds, Saevus, Sanctuary Asia & Better Photography.
Besides, I’ve contributed for a few Coffee-table books like Ducks, Swans and Geese of India, Wildlife of Gujarat, Last Wild Places of India, Critically Endangered Species of India, Mammals of India, etc. I’ve also contributed for some of the international journals like AECCA journal, international books like Francolins, Quails and Fowls of the world, Raptors of Asia, etc. & booklets like Birds of Srilanka, etc.
I've also contributed my images for some National & International Calenders published by WWF India, BNHS, Sanctuary Asia, etc.
Achievements :
I was awarded as Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2008, second prize, in the annual competition organized by Sanctuary Asia Magazine.
One of my pictures was selected for to represent our country, India, in the International Biennal Photography Worldcup 2010, which was organized in Bangalore. Total 32 countries participated in the event and we won the 1st prize in the category where my picture was selected.
* Thanks for reading this and Thanks for your Wishes and Compliments!*
Nirav Bhatt
Email :
Phone : 09879333224